Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Travel blog part 19.

What was it?
Pickled beetroot, hummus and watercress sandwich.
Where was it from?
Depanneur, Williamsburg NY. 

How much was it?

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
Because we were procrastinating in the process of (not, in the end) installing an air-conditioner, and went to this very nice deli-type sandwich place in Greenpoint. You know, one of those places where everything is pretty and people say please and thank you. I ordered this because it had hummus on it, basically. 

How was it?
I was so hungry at this point I probably would have eaten a shoe, but let's be fair to the sandwich, it was pretty great. The place was nice and I would go there again. It was also in a cool area with some good bookstores etcetera. 

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