Sunday, July 15, 2012

Travel blog part 18.

What was it?
Vegie burger and fries.
Where was it from?
Mikey's Burger, Ludlow St NYC. 

How much was it?
$10.50 (burger $7, fries $3.50).

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
Because - look at it - it's clearly the quintessential American food experience.

How was it?
As far as vegie burgers go this was actually right up there. Super strict vegetarians be aware that these are cooked on the same grill as the meat burgers, but a substantial distance away. I figured that unlike other places, these guys cook the burgers right in front of you so I'd rather they're cooked on the same grill and know for sure that they weren't actually near the meat than just be told "yeah we cook them on different grills" which is not true 95 percent of the time.

This is a real no-bullshit, diner style kind of burger which they don't really do in Australia - there it's either pay $11 for a giant stack of too many ingredients and a burnt pattie at Grill'd or go to Hungry Jacks. So I liked the authentic simplicity of this burger. I think there's a lot to be said for authentic simplicity, in burgers and in life. 

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