Sunday, July 8, 2012

Travel blog part 6.

What was it?
Margherita pizza, water. + Milk chocolate gelato. 

Where was from?
La Famiglia, Broadway NYC. And this really weird gelato cart vendor in Washington Square Park who seemed very concerned about the fact that my shoelaces were untied.

How much was it?
Pizza + water about $5, gelato $4.

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
This was my first day in New York by myself because Adam was working, so I just wandered around trying to get my bearings. I walked all up and down Second Ave looking at places to eat, but then I decided I wanted to go to the park and eat because it was about a hundred and fifty thousand degrees and there's a fountain you can sit in at Washington Square Park. I've discovered that in New York, people just pretty much do whatever the fuck they want - the idea that you would be able to swim in a fountain in Brisbane is totally ridiculous. So I just got a pizza and went and sat in the fountain and read the New Yorker. Yeah.

How was it?
American pizza is a real revelation to me because in Australia "good pizza" is like, Pizza Capers or something, which, let's face it, isn't that good and is offensively overpriced. So yeah, big fan of the pizza. And you'll never hear me saying anything bad about gelato, although to be honest, $4 is definitely the most I've paid for such a small amount of food since getting here. The guy I bought it from was so unusual though that I sort of felt like, okay, guy could use a break. Give him the $4. 

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