Monday, July 9, 2012

Travel blog part 8.

What was it?
Roasted eggplant sandwich with carrot, coriander and jaggery, & mango mint lemonade. 

Where was it from?
Bombay Sandwich, Brooklyn markets.

How much was it?
Food + drink $10. 

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
We went to the food market in Brooklyn. It was overwhelming. Think of a bunch of things you'd probably really like to eat and put them in the same place and you might start to get an idea. It was like one of those Australian multicultural festivals except they do it every week so there's nothing ridiculously over the top about it. 

How was it?
I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say this was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. Like, really simple, but I'm definitely stealing this recipe. I can't say it's the cheapest food I've had in New York, but it was fresh, delicious and vegan and the guys who sold it to me were super nice. I'd pay a nice person $7 to make me a delicious healthy sandwich any day of the week.

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