Sunday, July 22, 2012

Travel blog part 22.

So because my trip had to end and spit me back into my comparably mundane life, you now have the pleasure of reading the rather pitiful account of my flights home. Apologies for the varying degrees of crappy phone-camera picture quality. 

What was it?
Beef & tomato pasta, salad, breadroll, "butterscotch brownie," tomato juice.
Where was it from?
United Airlines.

How much was it?
Free in-flight meal.

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
Well, I think saying I "ate" this would be rather overstating things. Because United don't have a vegetarian meal option I was just given this on my flight from LA to Sydney. I asked if there was some sort of alternative and the flight attendant suggested that one would be to "pick around it." 

I suppose that's basically what I ended up doing. I noticed several other vegetarians around me having the same conversation with flight attendants, some angrier than others, and also heard said flight attendants congregating at the back of the plane and referring to us as "the stupid vegetarians" later on. You can't beat American customer service. 

How was it?
I mean, I'm probably the wrong person so ask since I didn't really eat it and was sort of offended by the suggestion that I should. The salad was basically a pile of lettuce, cleverly disguised by one slice of tomato at the top. I more or less lived on tomato juice for the remainder of the trip. 

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