Thursday, July 5, 2012

Travel blog part 1.

I'm in New York.

I don't like aimless travel blogging, it's kind of like expecting people to read your mundane diary entries - things always seem more exciting to you than they do to everyone else. So I'm just going to photograph all the things I eat and write about that and hopefully, if you're reading this, you will gain some sort of a quaint insight into my travelling experience by way of that. 


What was it?
A banana, small berry muffin, two Weet-Bix, milk, orange juice.

Where was it from?

How much was it?
Free in-flight breakfast.

Why did you eat this, Rhiannon?
I contemplated not eating it. I kind of resent Qantas’ attempts at vegetarian meals, because usually the non-vegetarian breakfasts are meat-free anyway and a lot nicer. It’s as if they’re punishing me for daring to request a special meal.
Sorry guys.
But I had resolved that if it was put in front of me, and it was free, and there was no hair or dead animals in it, that I was going to eat it.

How was it?
I mean, it was Weet-Bix. It tasted like Weet-Bix. The banana was a nice addition. The muffin was one of the weirdest, nastiest muffins I’ve ever had. It it with considerable contempt that I include this meal in my blogging activities. 

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