Sunday, February 12, 2012


Poor translations and hopeless romantics would have us believe that one of the deeds of Theseus before his defeat of the Minotaur was slaying a giant sea-monster in Megara.

Actually, all he did was push an elderly thief off a cliff. Sciron, the thief in question, would push travellers off said cliff where they would be eaten by a turtle.

Not a sea monster. A turtle. So to thwart Sciron, Theseus pushed him off the same cliff, where he was eaten by the same turtle.

Theseus was an idiot. After he slayed the Minotaur, he forgot to bring Ariadne home with him, so the woman who was responsible for his safe passage through the labyrinth ended up being left on a beach to become the bride of Dionysus. Which was not a favourable fate for a number of reasons. Furthermore, before Theseus left to slay the Minotaur, his father Aegeus told him to fly white sails on his ship when he returned if he was successful. Theseus forgot this too, so when Aegeus saw black sails on his son's ship as it returned, he naturally assumed Theseus was dead, and promptly proceeded to jump into the sea and drown himself.

The Greek myths really do favour women. Even the crazy ones like Medea were more adept than Theseus when it came to carrying out a plan.

Don't name your children after male Greek heroes. Theseus forgot about his lover and was responsible for his father's death. Herakles killed his first wife and children in a fit of rage. Jason promised to marry Medea after she helped him obtain the Golden Fleece and had several of his children, but then abandoned her for someone else because she wasn't of noble birth. Don't even get me started on Paris, Achilles or Odysseus.

Idiots, all of them. 

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