Saturday, January 14, 2012

Septembers and Augusts.

"Tonight I pressed my fingers into the wood of my desk and tried to feel the essence of the world around me. But then a really magical part of the song I was listening to came on, and I got distracted from trying to connect with the essence of the world through a piece of Ikea furniture and just started dancing. And then I felt a lot of things. The slight pang of a closing wound as the singer of the song wrapped his voice around a tone and interval that sounded just like another song that reminded me of somebody who used to love me. Then the considerably more distinctive surge of actual pain as I said that sentence to myself in my head. And then a dismissal of those feelings because the song is more beautiful than I am sad. And that is something I never thought I'd say again. I just wish I knew what to do now." 

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