Saturday, March 30, 2013

Currently reading...

Modern Japanese poems, specifically Mutsuo Takahashi. I think this is the most beautiful thing I've ever read. 

Portrait of Myself as a Baby-killer

Shall I give you the true reasons why I have to kill babies
because a thousand newborn babies will one day be a
         thousand powerful kings
because I am in reality a humble beggar surrounded by a
         thousand kings
because the beggar must defend the throne and the throne
         must be kept apart
because the lonely sword must always be wet with the
         blood of kings
because the lonely beggar must be guarded by the ghosts of the 
         slaughtered kings
because my throne must receive the praises of the grief-
         stricken and cursing mothers of kings
Retainers and soldiers are alarmed and terrified but they do
         not know who I am
At midnight I rise from my throne and dragging my heavy
         gangrenous feet
Mount to the top of the palace observation tower the highest
         point in the kingdom
I gaze out upon the extent of that region reigned over by the
Beyond the undulating plain that is still and soundless as 
         death itself
A thousand kings will be born when the tide is full in the 
         invisible sea
And my soldiers will run lifting their swords in their hands
Through the restless darkness the dawning darkness of my
I shall add a thousand grey hairs to my hair
I take a heavy breath and descend the stepts
Grey hairs grow thickly there even on the treads. 
                                                     - Mutsuo Takahashi